Szilvia Nagy is a PhD candidate at the Doctoral School of Political Science, Public Policy and International Relations at Central European University, Vienna. Her research interests lie at the intersection of foreign policy and cultural diplomacy with a particular attention to emerging practices of civil society involvement. This approach is informed by theories of global governance, practice theory and organisational ethnography. Other research interests include interpretive/ethnographic methods; postcolonial theories and decolonising practices in museums; participatory governance and participatory action research; and the concept of global east.
She has wide experience of working with civil society organisations and international NGOs as a project manager and founder of Local Operators’ Platform (LOCOP), a network and research platform. She is a collaborator of the culture Solutions research group on international cultural relations.
At South/South Movement, she is convening a pilot project entitled ‘MUSINGS: Museums and interpretations of the global souths‘. She has also co-initiated with Antonio Salvador M. Alcazar III the EUROGLOT Research Network: (En)countering Europe as Global, Othered & Transperipheral Voices.